Your Will is a very important document. It can allow you to:

decide who you want to benefit from your estate

appoint a trusted friend or relation to be executor of your estate

appoint a guardian for your children

appoint trustees to look after funds or property for your beneficiaries

reduce exposure to the risk of nursing home fees

protect against or reduce the impact of Inheritance Tax.

It is always best to speak to a solicitor about making a Will to ensure that it operates as intended by you. Making a Will is not an expensive process and you can change it as often as you like during your lifetime.

If you do not make a Will, there are certain rules which determine who will benefit from your estate. These are known as the Rules of Intestacy. They will not necessarily suit your circumstances and there is no flexibility whatsoever in how they are applied.

Thomas Taggart & Sons can advise you in relation to these issues and draft a Will which best suits your needs. We can also store your Will in our strong room for safekeeping.

Please contact us to arrange an appointment.



Lewis Richards

Email: lewis.richards@thomastaggart.com

Phone: 028 2766 2118